How to handle seasonal allergies with homeopathy

Woman sneezing

Fall is here! Minnesotans love the four seasons, including the cool mornings and beautiful colors of our autumn leaves. Sadly, for many, seasonal allergies come along with the arrival of autumn.

If you haven’t tried homeopathy to help with the symptoms of seasonal allergies, I invite you to do so!

Homeopathic prescribing falls into two categories, constitutional and acute. Constitutional homeopathy takes one’s totality of symptoms into account. It’s like a big “AND” - migraines and allergies and incontinence and fill-in-the-blank. Constitutional homeopathy then finds one remedy to match and relieve the complete set of symptoms.

Acute homeopathy is for symptom relief of a single symptom or small set of related symptoms - like seasonal allergies. Read on for some common remedies for allergy symptom relief, followed by a story of constitutional homeopathy improving allergy symptoms as part of a whole set of symptoms.

Allium cepa - “dripping like a faucet” - if your main symptom is profuse, watery discharge from your eyes and nose, similar to the experience when cutting an onion, this is the remedy for you (and it’s made from onion). The nasal discharge may sting or burn the upper lip and nose. People that benefit from this remedy may also have a completely obstructed nose. Symptoms may be worse later in the day, in a warm room, and on the left side.

Arsenicum album - “burning nasal discharge” - if your main symptom is a thin, watery nasal discharge which burns the nostrils and upper lip and is worse on the right side, this is the remedy for you. Burning is the key word, other symptoms include burning pains in the nose, eyes and throat that often feel better with heat or warm drinks.

Natrum muriaticum - “egg white discharge” - if your nasal discharge is more of an egg-white consistency, try Nat-m, especially if you tend to sneeze in paroxysms and if your eyes water when you walk outside.

Nux vomica - “running by day, stopped up by night” - use this remedy if you tend to have a stuffed-up nose at night and in bed that runs in the morning, in the daytime, and is worse in a warm room. This remedy may be a great fit if you’re suffering from terrible sneezing when rising from bed.

Pulsatilla - “yellow” - if you suffer from thick, profuse, yellow and non-acrid discharge from your eyes or nose, think Pulsatilla. This remedy may be a great fit if you find your thirst has diminished and you feel worse when you get warm and are better in air conditioning. Another keynote is itching and watering eyes that feel better with cold applications.

For acute symptom relief prescribing, use the 30c potency available at natural food stores or Amazon and take up to 3 doses per day. Select a remedy based on what seems to best fit your symptom picture. If you’re not experiencing relief after a dose or two move on to the next-best fitting remedy.

Rethinking Seasonal Allergies with Homeopathy

The following is a story of allergy success through constitutional homeopathy from the practice of one of my mentors, Sujata Owens:

I saw Emily in April 99. She was 52 years old, single, and a schoolteacher. She reports, "I am a physical educator. I have been active in all my life and plan on keeping it that way. I believe in what I teach. My #1 concern is my allergy problems in the spring. I am allergic to the trees budding and the grass. My reactions include itchy eyes, runny nose, congestion, sneezing and headaches. I can get severe bouts of cough. I get severe dry and scratchy throat. I get sniffles. My doctor wanted me to take shots but settled for me using the nasal spray Vacanase. I have had success with acupuncture but don't have time to lay there with pins in me, besides he brutalized me with pins every inch of the way in my body. Last year I was in pain the entire time. My vet has used homeopathic remedies for my dogs. I thought why not me? So here I am.

I also have had two major physical disasters in my life from which I still experience pain. One was falling eighty feet when rock climbing in 1974 in which I tore muscles in my back and neck, the other was breaking the navicular bone in my right foot in 1992.

In addition, I experience intense moodiness. I try so hard to control my temper and take the abuse from parents that don’t like the program at my school but... Therefore, my stomach is acting up from all the stress.

Do you have something that will calm me down and take care of all of these symptoms?

The initial case taking appointment with Emily lasted 90 minutes. There was a lot more information that was shared, but this gives you a general idea of the nature of this woman. Constitutional homeopaths are trained to look at all symptoms and match the symptom picture of the client as closely as possible with a remedy.

I chose the homeopathic remedy Stramonium based on her individual and characteristic symptoms. This remedy belongs to a plant kingdom and comes from Solanaceae (nightshade) family.

Over three years Emily has done beautifully with a single dose of Stramonium every three months or so. Her allergies are doing great. Emily can enjoys the outdoors, camping and rigorous outdoor activities. Her aches, pains and arthritis symptoms are resolving beautifully. Her emotions are on a much more even plane. She gets along better with the parents in her school system. She is very happy with all the benefits she receives with homeopathy. She just recently said to me, "You are my Yoda." I take it as a compliment. Wouldn't you?

If you know of anyone that may be interested in this natural, holistic and 100% individualized modality I would appreciate a referral and welcome the opportunity to work with them!


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