“Homeopathy effectively helps a larger percentage of people than any other science, and is beyond doubt the safest and most economical form of health care.”

– Mahatma Gandhi, Father of India and ardent follower of homeopathy

Homeopathy Services

A Homeopathy care experience

  • Initial session = 2 hours

  • Whole person interview

  • Remedy is selected and sent

  • Follow up appointments are recommended every 4-6 weeks later until the response of the vital force is clear and good remedy management has been established, then less frequent follow up appointments until health goals are met.

  • Total length of care depends on a clients’ health goals. A commitment to regular care is recommended for best results. Many achieve their health goals within a year’s time. More complex care needs may take 2 years or longer.

  • Once the health goals are achieved, clients can choose to call the homeopathic practitioner only when needed. It would be similar to calling your doctor for an appointment to review, evaluate and decide on a course of treatment when symptoms reappear.

Initial consultation

Family running outdoors

Homeopathy is 100% individualized and holistic. An initial consultation will feel like a deep conversation about your current and past health concerns, including mental, emotional and physical symptoms. Initial consultations last between 1.5-3 hours and cost $320, plus the cost of the remedy and $8 shipping.

Follow up consultations

Classical homeopathic works best with commitment and regularity. A rule of thumb is a month of homeopathic care for every year you’ve had a symptom. A follow-up consultation is typically scheduled 4-6 weeks after an initial consultation, depending on the individual’s situation.

  • Follow up consultations last up to an hour, $110, plus the cost of the remedy and $8 shipping.


Child + Caregiver Package

Caregivers often have complex health challenges themselves, compounded by the trauma of caring for kids that are suffering. This package is designed to help the caregiver and the child.

I recommend establishing a care plan for the caregiver, which can often take 2-3 months, then begin care for the child. This allows for the caregiver to be better prepared to support the healing changes in the child.

I offer a 15% discount for family groups. The cost of the initial intake is $272 for the child and caregiver each, and follow up appointments are $93.50 each.


Acute consultations

Acute conditions are a recent, sudden onset of an illness, injury or developmental milestone that by themselves have a limited duration. Homeopathy can help support the body as it heals. Here are some examples of experiences that homeopathy can support:

  • Common Cold

  • Sore Throat

  • Sinus Infection

  • Influenza

  • Stomach Flu

  • Cough

  • Earache

  • Teething

  • Food Poisoning

  • UTI

  • Yeast Infection

  • Sports Injury/Sprains

  • First Aid

  • Broken Bone

  • Dental Work

  • Surgery

  • Poison Ivy

  • Insect Bite

  • Jet Lag

Acute care cost is $50 for existing clients, $75 for new clients, and do not include the cost of the remedy.

Please reach out to me directly for acute care.

Payment Policy

Payment is due at the time of consultation. I accept bank transfers, Zelle, cash, and check. There is a 4% surcharge for use of credit card.

Homeopathic Remedies

Free Introductory Conversation

If you’d like to have a conversation about how homeopathy can help, please reach out!

My post-Covid issues are gone! Hip pain is gone, my energy has gone from a 4 to an 8, and my “mental disconnects” haven’t happened since the first month on the remedy.
— Becky R., Minneapolis