Homeopathy for Healing from Mold Toxicity

What is Mold Toxicity?

Mold toxicity, aka mycotoxin illness, is illness initiated or exacerbated by a toxic load of mold mycotoxins that is beyond what the body is capable of detoxifying. If you are experiencing a chronic or complex condition - including PANS/PANDAS - that is not responding to traditional medical care, consider mold mycotoxin illness. There are over 100,000 types of identified mold species and mold is found everywhere there is moisture and oxygen – including homes, schools, and office buildings. It may be in plain sight but can also be behind walls or somewhere else not visible. It’s found in new construction homes as well as older structures. Mold can also be found in the food chain both before and after harvest. Under the right circumstances, some mold species will produce mycotoxins, which are self-defense toxins that are harmful to humans. Many people respond and get ill from mold itself, including mold allergy, but chronic and complex conditions are more commonly associated with mycotoxin illness.

Symptoms Associated with Mycotoxin Illness Include:

  • Non-specific cognitive function issues

  • Unexplained psychiatric symptoms - especially if not at an appropriate age or in the absence of family history

  • Neuroinflammation

  • Mast cell activation

  • Mitochondrial abnormalities

  • IBS

  • Chronic Lyme or coinfections that are not resolving with conventional care

  • Any immune related syndrome

  • Neurological symptoms such as a sensation of internal vibration or tremor, or lightning bolt or ice pick type pain, strange skin sensations  

  • Sensitivities to any or all of these: foods, chemicals, supplements, medications, sound, light, touch, EMFs, etc.

  • And many more - virtually any system in the body can be affected by mycotoxin illness.

Mycotoxin exposure affects people in different ways based on individual detoxification capabilities and individual illness susceptibilities. If a person already has an underlying health condition, mycotoxin illness will exacerbate symptoms.

What Should be Done if You Have Health Issues and Suspect Mycotoxin Illness?

Identify the Source of the Mycotoxin Exposure

The first step in healing is to verify there is no current source of mycotoxin exposure. Current building codes emphasize increased energy efficiency which keeps more air inside recirculating. Whether due to a pipe leaking behind a walls due to poor workmanship or age, or a nail popping in the roof, or building a new hours in a rainy environment that doesn’t fully dry out, a source of moisture in a reduced air flow environment creates the condition where mold can thrive. New build or an older home, work environment or school, any structure has the potential for mold growth - and therefore mycotoxin exposure. For some, the source of the mycotoxin exposure was in the past and their system has been unable to detoxify the initial toxic load due to their genetic makeup. For many, there is an ongoing source of exposure that hasn’t yet been identified. I strongly recommend working with a Certified Mold Inspector to identify the source of mold, and then a separate Applied Microbial Remediation Technician to do the removal and remediation. These experts are trained to find hidden sources and have specialized tools and it’s worth the month to have that expertise to identify sources of moisture and mold and to safely remove the mold and do any additional remediation.

Begin Your Healing Journey from Mycotoxin Illness

Many people will recover over time simply by removing the mold and mycotoxin exposure; this is more likely if they have strong detoxification capabilities and no underlying health issues.

Others with chronic illness susceptibilities require a longer recovery time and also likely require therapeutic interventions including homeopathy, detoxification supplements or medications, sauna, massage, anti-inflammatory support, immune modulating supplements, etc. It’s estimated around 25% of the population has difficulty with basic detoxification and, therefore, difficulty with detoxification for mycotoxin illness.

Homeopathy supports your body’s ability to energetically re-balance. I recommend starting with a well indicated constitutional remedy, followed by specific homeopathic detoxification remedies if indicated.

Additional Tests

If you would like lab tests to help pinpoint specific mycotoxin exposure and load on your system, the following tests are available:

  • Visual Contrast Sensitivity – developed by the US military to screen fighter jet pilots for ability to see details at low contrast levels, this test is highly accurate in detecting biotoxin exposure like mold. This test is a starting point and further analysis is required after a positive response. The cost is $15, and results are fast: https://www.vcstest.com.

  • MosaicDX MycoTOX urine test – a comprehensive mycotoxin test screening for 11 of the worst mycotoxins from 40 species of mold. The cost is $310 and can be ordered through Sue McKinley Homeopathy or directly to your home in most states. https://mosaicdx.com/

  • RealTime EMMA urine test – a comprehensive mycotoxin test screening for 16 of the worst mycotoxins. The cost is $399 and can be ordered directly in some states while other states require a licensed professional to order it.

The bottom line is that mycotoxin illness is serious and more common than is widely understood; eliminating the source of exposure is critical and healing requires detoxifying the mycotoxins and possibly additional support for healing. Homeopathy can help.

Please reach out if you’d like to have a conversation about mold toxicity symptoms

and how homeopathy can support you or your child’s healing journey. I welcome the opportunity to work with you.

Please note that I am not a medical doctor, nutritionist or naturopath and I do not diagnose medical conditions or prescribe pharmaceuticals or supplements.


  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8619365/

  • Toxic by Dr. Neil Nathan, 2018

  • https://mosaicdx.com/resource/part-1-mold-101-mycotox-profile-oat-using-them-to-id-mold-patients/

  • https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/mold-allergy/symptoms-causes/syc-20351519

  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1892134/

With the mold detox I’ve noticed improved mental clarity, improved word recall, and no more bloating.
— Kristin, St. Cloud, MN