Homeopathic relief from flu symptoms!

Man with flu

Between kids going back to school, the change in weather, and the low workout our immune systems have gotten over the past two quarantining and masking flu seasons, many families are finding themselves sick longer and more frequently than in previous years.

Taking homeopathic remedies during acute illness can reduce the intensity of symptoms and duration of illness. If you haven’t tried homeopathy to help with flu symptoms, I invite you to do so!

The key to acute prescribing is to base it on the worst symptom one is experiencing paired with the specific feeling of the remedy. I’m going to share a few good go-to remedies to support you with this season’s flu strains. Keep in mind this is a small fraction of the remedies available and, if something gets really stuck, consult a professional homeopath to get things moving again.

Aconitum napellus – “first sign of not feeling well” - take Aconite for a sudden onset fever, especially after being exposed to a cold dry wind or after a frightening or shocking experience. The fever may alternate between an internal feeling of heat and chills. Emotionally, there may be a feeling of anxiety, fear, and restlessness. Also, look for tremendous thirst and a worsening of all symptoms in the evening or at night. The skin will feel dry and hot, the face can be red but on rising from lying down it can become pale. The cough will be dry, hoarse, frequent and can feel suffocating.

Arsenicum album - “restless, chilled, anxious” - an Arsenicum album flu will have a collapsed and weak feeling, with great restlessness and extreme anxiety about health. There will be an icy coldness sensation but with a burning sensation. The cough can be violent and dry and may include shortness of breath. There may also be gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Often there will be a desire for small sips of water.

Belladonna - “hot and intense” - a Belladonna fever will have a sudden onset characterized by intensity and heat including a high fever, red face, glassy eyes, a hot body (except the hands may be cold), sweating, and a lack of thirst. This fever will feel like a dry, burning heat without chills, and it may include a throbbing or bursting headache.

Bryonia alba – “dry and worse from any movement” - for a high fever that is accompanied by an overall sense of dryness (including constipation and thirst) and symptoms that are worse with any movement at all. There may be a violent throbbing headache. The cough may be dry, hard, and very painful and worse when eating and drinking. There may be great irritability and a desire to be left alone.

Eupatroium perfoliatum - “bones ache” - for an influenza with a high fever that is characterized by severe aching in the bones and muscles. It might feel as if the bones will break open. There may be a thirst for cold drinks, even during chills; the chills may be worse after drinking.

Ferrum phosphoricum – “generic fever” - this is a great remedy in the early stage of an illness such as when a cold generates a fever or when there are few other symptoms. A fever that will respond well to Ferr phos will be marked by a dry heat without chill.

Gelsemium – “dullness, dizziness, drowsiness” - take Gels for a fever accompanied by great weakness, tremulousness, and/or drowsiness (even the eyes will feel droopy). There will be a noticeable lack of thirst and possibly a headache in the temple area. There may be an overall feeling of slowness and heaviness. The legs may feel weak and shaky, and the hands may be mildly shaky as well. There may be a deep-seated soreness in the muscles, congested eyes, ears or nose, a runny nose, blocked nose, or an earache.

Phosphorus – “just the cough is left” - this is a wonderful cough remedy with many indications. Take Phos when the cough is accompanied by hoarseness or laryngitis, there’s a tickling sensation in the throat and the cough hurts the throat, or when a cold seems to quickly move to the chest. A cough that benefits from Phos may feel like it’s made worse by talking, laughing, or exposure to any bit of cold air. When the only symptom remaining is a cough, try Phos.

Dosing instructions

Select a remedy based on what seems to best fit your symptom picture. If you’re not experiencing relief after a dose or two, move on to the next best fitting remedy.

For acute symptom relief prescribing, use the 30c potency available at natural foods stores or Amazon and take up to 3 doses per day until symptoms reach 85% complete, then STOP. Be sure to eat extra healthy, drink extra water, get rest, don’t overdo it; your body will take it from there.

Please reach out if you don’t see anything that fits your illness. There are many more remedies than listed here and I would welcome the opportunity to work with you!

To begin your own healing story with homeopathy, contact me at Sue@SueMcKinleyHomeopathy.com. If you know of anyone that may be interested in this natural, holistic, and 100% individualized modality, I would appreciate a referral and welcome the opportunity to work with them!


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