Homeopathy in the Spring

Butterfly on flower

Here in Minnesota, there’s still snow on the ground but spring is in the air! And after a long and snowy Minnesota winter, the extra day light and warmer weather has many of us wanting to be outside as much as we can. Which can lead to too much of a good thing, including overworked muscles, bug bites and bee stings, spring colds, poison ivy and sun burn, to name a few. Read on for some suggestions for how homeopathy can support keeping you in your spring time fun!

Please be aware of an important note about acute dosing - less is more with homeopathic remedies, so don’t take more than 3 doses within 24 hours without talking to a homeopath. When you first notice improvement, stop taking the remedy unless your symptoms begin to return. Keep in mind this is a small fraction of the remedies available. If something gets really stuck, consult a professional homeopath to get things moving again. I welcome the opportunity to work with you!

Remedies for muscles aches and pains

  • For muscle overuse or injury such as too long of a bike ride or overwork in the garden, try Arnica 30c. Arnica is always the first remedy for any injury or shock or physical exhaustion. Take up to 3 doses within 24 hours.

  • For back injury that is strained from over-doing it, take Rhus Toxicodendron 30c. Take up to 3 doses within 24 hours.

Remedies for Insect Bites & Stings

  • Tick bite? Ledum 30c! Up to 3 doses within 24 hours and reach out to a professional homeopath and health care professional.

  • Biting flies, wasp, yellow jacket, or bee got the best of you? If the pain lessens after ice or cold applications, take Ledum 30C every half-hour up to 3 doses for further relief. This is typically the first remedy given after a bug bite.

  • For swelling and burning pain, Apis 30C every 30 minutes for 3 doses may be useful.

Spring colds

If the worst symptom of a cold feels like this…try this…

  • Violent sneezing - Allium cepa 30c up to 3 doses within 24 hours.

  • Watery eyes and watery discharge from the nose - Allium cepa 30c up to 3 doses within 24 hours.

  • Thin watery discharge from the nose that burns the upper lip - Arsenicum album 30c up to 3 doses within 24 hours.

  • Runny nose alternating with nasal dryness - Natrum muriaticum 30c up to 3 doses within 24 hours.

  • Runny nose with thick, profuse, yellow discharge - Pulsatilla 30c up to 3 doses within 24 hours.

Remedies for Poison Ivy, Oak, & Sumac

  • Nothing ruins a good time faster than poison plants! If your rash feels better when you’re submerged in a very hot bath, use Anacardium 30c. Try up to 3 doses within 24 hours.

  • If any kind of warmth aggravates your condition, Sulphur 30c may be the better remedy for your skin ailment. Take up to 3 doses within 24 hours.

  • Those tormented at night by itching can try Rhus toxicodendron 30c for relief. Take up to 3 doses within 24 hours.

  • Any rash with pustules that weep honey colored discharges, whether poison ivy, eczema, cold sores, etc, try Graphites 30c, up to 3 doses within 24 hours.

Homeopathic Help for Sunburn

  • Stayed out in the sun a little too long? Apply a calendula-based gel, spray, or ointment directly to your burned skin.

  • For mild sunburn, when the skin is pink, slightly swollen, stinging and burning, use Apis mellafica 30C as soon as possible, up to 3 doses within 24 hours.

  • For first-degree burns, try Urtica urens 30c to ease painful redness but with no blistering (which would indicate a second-degree burn).

  • To minimize the blistering and pain of intense burns, consider taking Cantharis 30C, up to 3 doses within 24 hours.

Treating Sunstroke

This is a dangerous condition, so remedies should never be given in place of seeing a doctor. However, remedies can be given while a person is being transported to a healthcare professional. If accompanied by fever, headache, dilated pupils, reddened face, and stupor, use Belladonna 30c every 30 minutes for the first two hours. After giving a remedy for two hours, reduce frequency to every one to four hours.

Bookmark and save this resource for future reference and be sure to follow my other blog posts for additional tips: https://suemckinleyhomeopathy.com/blog

I welcome the opportunity to work with you.


To begin your own healing story with homeopathy, contact me at Sue@SueMcKinleyHomeopathy.com. If you know of anyone that may be interested in this natural, holistic, and 100% individualized modality, I would appreciate a referral and welcome the opportunity to work with them!


A tale of 27 bee stings and the remedy Apis


Homeopathy Support for Mental Health