A tale of 27 bee stings and the remedy Apis

honey bee

It’s coming up on bee season, so read on for a personal anecdote about bee stings and the beautiful remedy Apis. The remedy Apis mellifica is prepared from the honeybee. Remedies are made from natural source substances then highly diluted to the point of no trace of source substance. In a literal observance of the homeopathic principle “like cures like”, Apis is known to improve symptoms of bee stings (no, it doesn’t always match like that).

A few years ago, my youngest son and I were visiting with friends at their cabin in northern Minnesota. While visiting, we took a boat ride to a small nearby island for the kids to roam around. Suddenly, they came running and screaming back to us from over a small hill.

My son had run over a bee’s nest and the bees were MAD. Submerging in the lake got all of the bees off the kids but my son was covered with bee stings. 27 large, welt-like bee stings, several of which were 3-5 inches in diameter.

A quick call to the pediatrician’s office confirmed he was not in any danger. Unfortunately, I didn’t have my summer remedy kit with me and there wasn’t anywhere nearby to buy remedies, so I decided to let time do its work. Aside from the large welts being red, feeling hot, and uncomfortably swollen, he was feeling better pretty quickly so I dropped him off at a camp the next morning as planned.

I more or less forgot about it and assumed his body would naturally deal with the heat, swelling, and redness, and that he would return as good as new. Instead, he returned 5 days later with 27 smaller raised welts that were now itching. He was not a happy camper.

I put a dose of Apis 30c in 8 oz of water and let him sip on it for the rest of the day. The first thing he noticed was that the welts stopped itching, then they lost the red inflammation and reduced in size. By the next morning, they were 80% improved. By the next day, gone.

Should you find yourself with pesky bee stings that feel hot, swollen, inflamed and itch, I invite you to give Apis a try! Remedies are indicated based on matching the symptoms one is experiencing. There are many other remedies that may be more useful for other symptoms. If you have a bee sting that feels swollen, bruised and painful, Arnica 30c followed by Ledum 6c is better indicated. Please reach out if you would like to learn more or schedule an appointment for homeopathic support.

I welcome the opportunity to work with you.

To begin your own healing story with homeopathy, contact me at Sue@SueMcKinleyHomeopathy.com. If you know of anyone that may be interested in this natural, holistic, and 100% individualized modality, I would appreciate a referral and welcome the opportunity to work with them!


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