Homeopathy for Mental Health - A Testimonial

This testimonial highlights how a well selected homeopathic remedy can have impactful results with mental health challenges. Judith* is a 55 year old woman that has suffered from life long low self-esteem, anger, and more recently, depression. She started homeopathic treatment in early 2022.

At her first appointment she described herself: “I’m very shy. I don’t have any confidence. I don’t do a lot because I don’t want to do things by myself. I’m in a really bad spot. I’m angry all the time. I’m sad all the time. I don’t have any friends.”

Based on her symptoms and her nature, the remedy Baryta carbonicum LM1 was prescribed.

At her first follow up two months later: “Everything is great. My remedy is working great. I’m not stressing out. I don’t feel anxiety inside. I just go about doing what I need to do. I feel normal. Happy. Confident. I started a new job. I don’t know how to explain it, it’s just so easy.”

When asked to rate her emotional state on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being great, she said 8.

This is a very strong response to the remedy. Not all responses are initially this strong, many are a slower build to improvements. The initial positive response indicated the remedy was well matched and supportive for Judith. Over just a two month period her emotional suffering is improved and she’s making positive changes for herself and feeling hopeful. These are all wonderful improvements. That said, Judith has and will require care for a bit due to the lifelong nature of her symptoms at the time she started care, but her self esteem is higher and not getting in the way of pursuing her interests, and she’s finding more joy and ease in her life.

Healing takes time and is a process. There is not a straight line from an initial state to a future improved state. Homeopathy isn’t a panacea or a suppressive medication that takes away a symptom, but a gradual shift to a state of lessened symptoms. At her second follow up, Judith noticed she’d started to dip. It was clear she needed an adjustment to the potency and I sent her a new remedy potency, Baryta carbonicum LM2. At her second follow up she’d started to dip again and an additional adjustment was needed to slighly increase her dosage fro 5 drops to 7 drops. With each adjustment her equanimity was restored.

Homeopathy is 100% all natural and wholistic. There are no side effects, only healing effects. Struggling with mental health? Homeopathy can help.

Ready to start your healing journey with homeopathy? Reach out today.

*not her real name


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