Homeopathic Candida Detoxification for Wellness - a case study

Mike* is a 35 year old engineer that enjoys wine and has a history of lifelong sugar cravings, eating sugary junk food 3-5 times per day. He is tired throughout the day and wakes up not feeling refreshed in the morning.

Sound familiar? We live in a time of excess. Excess sugar, excess alcohol, excess antibiotics (according to the CDC, 1/3 of antibiotic use is unnecessary), you name it. So much so that the main health issues of this time are associated with excess - from diabetes to heart disease to cancer.

Luckily, we have brilliant filter systems in the forms of our liver and kidneys, which help process and remove waste products from our excesses, as well as skin, lungs and digestive organs to further help with elimination.

However, modern lifestyles and habits can still create imbalances in our bodies that can cause discomfort and dis-ease. A common imbalance is Candida albicans - a type of fungus found in the mouth, skin, and intestines associated with sugar cravings, fatigue, and mental fogginess.

Mike had been a client for several months with other health concerns and, while his treatment was going well, it wasn’t addressing his sugar cravings. With his ongoing intense sugar cravings and low energy, a Candida homeopathic re-set seemed appropriate for Mike.

Homeopathic detoxification is aimed to help the vital force recognize what it is being affected by. Detoxification is typically about removing substances that are harmful in any amount, in excess, or that can create addiction. The homeopathic detox protocol that I follow uses remedies to stimulate the vital force to look more closely at itself, and consists of use of a series of ascending homeopathic remedy potencies - 30c, 200c 1M, 10M, in progression. This approach is designed to stimulate the vital force to allow the body to work more efficiently, be less affected, and, potentially, better eliminate a substance from the body.

Feedback from Mike throughout the detoxification process:

30c level: “I’ve noticed about a 20% decrease in my sugar cravings; they’re feeling more manageable. My brain feels clear and I feel as though a fog has lifted.”

200c level: “This is interesting; I’m noticing I’m getting a normal amount of sleep and I’m waking up refreshed, feeling rested, and good to go for the day. That’s new.”

1M level: “I’m blown away by how well this works. It’s amazing. I’ve never been this much in control with sugar as I am now. My sugar cravings are WAY down. I haven’t stopped at the gas station on my lunch break for candy or pop in weeks. My urge to indulge in sugar is gone; it has entirely disappeared. I’ve noticed I’ve lost the need to get sugar to soothe myself.”

10M level: “I just feel good. I can’t believe how much has changed.”

Homeopathic detoxification is an all natural, gentle, fast, and effective tool that when used alongside constitutional care for broad support, can be useful for supporting the vital force to re-balance responses to specific substances such as yeast, mold, metals, environmental substances, old pharmaceuticals, and more. Reach out now to learn how homeopathy can support you with your wellness and vitality goals. I welcome the opportunity to work with you!

*Please note that this content is NOT medical advice, and Sue McKinley Homeopathy is not a medical doctor or clinic. The suggestions here are based on homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Homeopathy and holistic care are NOT a replacement for medical care if needed.

To begin your own healing story with homeopathy, contact me at Sue@SueMcKinleyHomeopathy.com. If you know of anyone that may be interested in this natural, holistic, and 100% individualized modality, I appreciate all referrals!

*Not his real name


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