Healing from Mold Toxicity through Homeopathic Detoxification

“My mental clarity has improved, and my word recall is improved!”

John* is a married 40-year-old father of two that works in a creative field. He came to me with issues of brain fog and fatigue that started one year after he started a new job in a building with known water damage. The company completed a water damage remediation project, but John’s brain fog and fatigue did not improve and he was concerned about the way he was feeling.

During his intake appointment, John revealed himself to be extroverted and lively, with anxiety about his health, strong sugar cravings, a strong desire for order that he felt was problematic, and a strong need for appearances to be a certain way. He tended to “run warm”, and felt worse when he felt overheated. Based on these attributes, Argentum nitricum was strongly indicated and I prescribed a daily dose of Arg-nit LM1 as his constitutional remedy.

Based on John’s intake appointment, mold toxicity appeared to be was a possibility. Mold toxicity issues are frequently improved through constitutional care with no additional homeopathic support needed. When a well indicated remedy isn’t touching important symptoms and mold exposure is clearly in the history, it makes sense to layer on a homeopathic mold detoxification.

First month update: John reported feeling better overall, including an improvement in his sugar cravings, a softened need for order, and a softened sensitivity to his appearance. John reported no change to his brain fog and fatigue.

Third month update: John reported that he was still feeling improved overall with a possible slight improvement in brain fog and fatigue.

At this point, I suspected John needed additional mold detoxification support and prescribed a homeopathic poly-funghi detox in addition to his daily constitutional remedy. The poly-funghi detox remedy is a combination remedy made from 10+ commonly found yeasts and molds in nano-dilution particles. He took a total of 4 doses of each of 4 potencies over the following 2 months. Importantly, all known exposures to mold had been removed from his work space, so he was undergoing detoxification without re-toxifying.

Symptoms of mold toxicity can affect almost any system in the body and include anxiety, depression, OCD, rage and other personality changes, reactivity to bug bites, supplements, and herbs, severe pain in muscles, joints or connective tissue, headaches, insomnia, air hunger, vertigo, tics, and many more.

John’s response to the four detox potencies were:

30c - response after each dose was loose stools for 24 hours - this is a good response as it shows the remedy is “touching” John and is discharging through his GI system. No change to brain fog or fatigue.

200c - gradual but notable shift in level of energy; John stated increased energy.

1M - continued increased energy and mental clarity.

10M - no notable response.

Since completing the detox, mental clarity has remained strong with no issues with word recall, and energy has continued to be strong. John noted his improvements were better than his baseline versus what he was experiencing before he started the new job. He also said he feels pleased with the other improvements he’s seen from the constitutional remedy, including the reduced sugar cravings and greater ease with his desire for order and perfection in his appearance.

Overall, John reported that he is happy with his results and will reach out when he feels need for additional support.

Reach out now to begin your healing journey with homeopathy!

*not his real name


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